Ticks Commonly Found in Missouri
Missouri is home to a large population of ticks, which means tick-borne diseases can pose an increased risk for individuals who work or play outside. At least six (6) different types of tick-borne diseases have been reported in Missouri residents; these diseases include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, Lyme disease, and disease caused by Heartland and Bourbon virus. The majority of cases occur during the months of May, June, and July. Symptoms of each disease typically includes headache, sudden fever, and body aches; symptoms can begin within two weeks of being bitten by an infected tick. Not all ticks are infected, therefore, a tick bite does not necessarily mean you will get a disease. Taking precautions such as using insect repellant, wearing protective clothing, avoiding infested areas, and checking for ticks after being outdoors reduces the chance for tick-borne diseases.
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